Yulongchi/Yuquan/Axin Experience_深圳蒲圈 - 蒲友论坛_蒲友宝典桑拿社区

Yulongchi/Yuquan/Axin Experience

分类: 蒲友桑拿 发布时间: 2018-10-27 09:04

Dive for a long time to send a post: YQ to go more, the environment is more general, eating in general, the female's face value is OK (most), most of the service is OK, prefer 191,100 (good service), 233 (poor AH) Last week, I went to the last week and went all the time. It’s all black and black. I changed all three by a mobile phone, and then I was fooled by my friends’ eyes. The clock, roaming, DL, KB service process is not very serious, but it is too old and ugly, feeling that the stock market has been lost, the number has not been asked, KB is directly ahead of the clock; the last Yulongchi ( The environment is okay, the food is generally the same as the letter), the friend said yes, and then just went for the first time, then he was also the first time he was a minister, so he signed the name of Lin, and later went to YQC and became A minister surnamed Pan received the reception, and then on the JS journey, there was nothing to say, all the service flow was passing by, the value was okay, the wave was also okay, but the service was seriously missing, watching the A film itself. (Good 歹 人 A A film has no code ah), so uncomfortable, leave At the time of the result, there is still a parking fee. (I don’t know if I want to report to Longchi in advance for the first time. The result is that the parking ticket is also no good, and the parking management attitude is awkward.) In short, Yulongchi is the most unhappy once. Absolutely not going