What is the most important thing for Chinese people to have_深圳蒲圈 - 蒲友论坛_蒲友宝典桑拿社区

What is the most important thing for Chinese people to have

分类: 桑拿酒店 发布时间: 2018-08-16 10:17

Recently, Zhang Chewei, vice president of the Chinese Population Society, said in an interview with the media that although China has fully liberalized the two children, many regions have also introduced various birth policies, but people's reproductive rights are still limited. In order to effectively solve the problem of low fertility rate, we should first completely liberalize the birth control and let people want to have a few to give birth. Indeed, from the current situation, the current methods of encouraging fertility are not particularly useful. The government should think again and put a little "big move".

At present, only a few regions in China have introduced policies to encourage fertility, but the intensity is not big enough. Moreover, there is still a place in the collection of "social support payments" to curb the cost of childbirth. 2 The government's introduction of welfare to encourage childbearing does not necessarily have an effect, but if you do not do so, I am afraid it will face more serious consequences. 3 Faced with the problem of fertility, higher-level government departments can make a timely statement, clarify the top-level design, and release signals that will further relax the birth, which will enable the public to have more positive expectations for future fertility policies, thereby increasing people's fertility willingness. .

“What is the point of encouraging when you are tied up?”

Not long ago, after the People’s Daily’s overseas edition published “The birth of a baby is a family matter and a state affairs”, the attitude of the state to the “gathering baby” is “looking” more and more clear. Then, on the major news websites, there have been frequent articles on “promoting fertility policies in various places”, and the atmosphere of “persuing the life of the baby” has become more intense. Is this really the case?

Zhang Chewei, vice president of the Population Society, saw it very thoroughly. He pointed out that the reality is, "Now China is still restricting childbearing as a whole. Even if the two children are fully released, it does not mean that you can give birth to a few." When evaluating the so-called "encourage fertility measures" introduced by Liaoning Province, it is even more polite to evaluate. "What is the significance of encouraging you while holding you?" In Zhang Chewei's view, "I think the first thing is Let it go completely, let people have the autonomy of birth, and then look at what level of fertility is reached before they can encourage fertility and consider what kind of benefits should be given."

Indeed, if you seriously ponder it, you will be guilty: Is the country really encouraging birth? It is said that the People’s Daily is advising the life of the baby, but that is the overseas version. Is it not the front page editor of the People’s Daily to preach the baby? It is said that “there are intensive policies to encourage births everywhere”. A closer look, in addition to Liaoning’s fifteen-year population development plan and the Shaanxi Bureau of Statistics’ report, some suggestions have been made (and there are still lack of implementation rules. Very), the rest of the ran out are Hubei Xiantao, Hubei Xianning, Xinjiang Shihezi. There is no action in the north and the Guangshen, there is no action in the coastal provinces, and there are no movements in several large population provinces. Is this really worthy of encouraging the baby?